Monday 21 November 2011

Hawley Lake in the Autumn

Pretty dull day Sunday Nov 13 so went for a wander around nearby Hawley Lake. Photo opps few and far between but this one I liked even if it meant a burned out sky, but hey ho!

Processed image to black & white using red filter simulation...

Thursday 17 November 2011

Open PDI Competition at Yateley Camera Club

Last night was the second Open PDI Competition at Yateley Camera Club. PDI is a Projected Digital Image or to you and me a JPEG projected on to a screen.

Submitted 2 images and received 8 and 8.5 respectively...

Friday 28 October 2011

Open Print Competition at Yateley Camera Club

Determined to contribute to the life blood of Yateley Camera Club I decided to enter the season's first Open (ie what ever you like) Print Competition. Now most people enter a couple of prints, but not having a clue about actually how good my images are I decided to only bother entering one and see how it went.

I entered this print, taken down a corridor of the swanky boutique hotel we stayed at in Seville, the Hospes Las Casas del Rey de Baeza,  a couple of years ago...

I was as nervous as nervous could be when my picture came up for review but a bit of shock horror when she complimented it, even commenting that the green sign could have been photoshopped out, but never the less it still got a 10! (I tried and tried to clone out the sign but the background was textured and try as I may I just couldn't get that texture to look natural!)

Woo hoo, equal first! The only way now is down!

Thursday 15 September 2011

Yateley Camera Club

Bizarrely I hadn't realised that the great metropolis of Yateley actually had a camera club until I stumbled upon their tent at the Yateley May Fayre.

After their summer recess I've become a fully paid up member and have now been to 2 meetings. Seem like a nice bunch of people with some seriously talented photographers.

Last night was a 'show what you did over the summer' exhibition. I had 3 images enlarged and printed and with typical luck I was asked to go up and be the second person to present my pictures to 30 or 40 people I didn't know. Seemed to go quite well, at least no rotten vegetables were thrown...

To round off the evening I won the raffle... hmmm chockie biscuits, luverly!

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Chillout in the Vendee 2011

We needed a break so back down to the Vendee for another couple of weeks French R & R